Saturday, December 21, 2013

4 Senses of Character-based Leadership

Too often, I read blog posts or engage in discussions where different definitions of leadership are present.

One definition of leadership implies position. It states that the person in the position of leadership is the leader.  If they’re “in charge” or “at the top” or “where the buck stops,” then they’re the leader.  Their position is the reason we grant them influence over us.  That’s positional leadership.

Another type of leadership; my favorite type, is no respecter of position. I call this character-based leadership. Character-based leaders are people who have chosen to adopt a leader’s mindset, regardless of their position in the organization.  Anyone can be a character-based leader. Their character, their “who-they-are” will not let them simply go with the flow or “do whatever.”  They decide they will be a leader to the extent they are able.

It takes a number of talents and, possibly, a great deal of luck, timing and positioning to be a position-based leader. You have to get a position. Many people work years to achieve a position. Someone must put you in it or you simply take it.  But either way, a number of factors impact your ability to get a position of leadership.

To be a character-based leader, you only need four things I’d call senses. Any one of these senses is proof that anyone can be a character-based leader. If you have two or three, you may even have some influence in your homeowners association or in your workplace.  But to be a great character-based leader, you’ll need all four.

4 senses of character-based leadership

Sense of mission: What are we trying to accomplish? Without accomplishment, there is no need for a leader. Leadership implies motion. Motion without direction is wasted. Your purpose will pull you into your future. A great mission calls you to its hope.  Your efforts will affect, maybe even create, the future.

Sense of urgency: If there is no urgency, if the thing can be done “whenever,” then there is little need for leadership. Great missions are those that must be done and they must be done soon. Great causes must be achieved as soon as possible. Without a sense of urgency and you may never reach your goal. Urgency is the key to great customer service.  Check out “A Sense of Urgency” by John P. Kotter for a wonderful book on the topic.

Sense of responsibility: Responsibility is the understanding not only that something must be done, but also that you must do it.  Often, we’re not very accurate or wise when it comes to what we must do. We delegate too little or too much. We give people the power to make us fail, or we withhold the resources necessary for others’ success. An objective sense of responsibility is necessary to good leadership.

Sense of service: If your mission serves only yourself or a small crowd, you have no chance of becoming a great leader. Great leaders serve great people in worthwhile causes. Great leaders often must overcome great difficulty to achieve great service.  There is no great work unless it benefits others. Include just one other person in your objective, do something simply for their benefit, and in that moment you elevate your own mission, leadership and responsibility.
If you don’t have all four senses, don’t worry. You can develop them. In fact, I bet those closest to you can already see signs of all four (or they wouldn’t stick around). Find your greatest mission, focus your energy toward that mission, and you will develop the other senses. Don’t let anything stop you. You can make 2014 the year you develop all four senses and become a great character-based leader.

Mike Henry Sr. is the chief instigator of the Lead Change Group, a global non-profit community dedicated to instigating a leadership revolution. He’s also one of 21 co-authors of “The Character-Based Leader: Instigating a Leadership Revolution… One Person at a Time.” Connect with Henry on Twitter @mikehenrysr and on LinkedIn, Facebook or Google+.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The 30-Second Rule: How to Create Unforgettable Presentations BY Peter Economy

You want your audience to hang on every word. To make that happen, you have to be sure you win them over in the first 30 seconds of your presentation.

Whether your audience is your boss, your banker, a small team of direct reports, a ballroom full of conference attendees, or thousands of people worldwide connected via teleconference, your success depends on being able to make a great presentation.

Great presentations are well-organized, flow logically from one idea to another, and ultimately leave the audience leave feeling rewarded and enlightened. All well and good, but if you don’t hook your audience in the first 30 seconds, all your careful preparation may be for naught. Therefore you have to begin with a bang! A television commercial has only 30 seconds to grab your attention; the same is true for you and your presentation.

The following steps will help you up your game:

Brainstorm Ideas
Start building your presentation by brainstorming. Share ideas with co-workers, draw flow charts, or talk with relevant customers or vendors. Make time to write down your initial ideas without concern about how they flow, or if they even seem to connect. As a way to start, consider your audience. Who will be there? What do you want them to understand at the end of the presentation, and what impact do you want have? How long should you talk? How detailed should you be? Brainstorming is an important step to begin building a good presentation, because although your ideas are not refined during the process, it helps you focus in on the details you need.

Write a Basic Outline
Once you have a general idea of what you want, create a foundation for your presentation by writing an outline. This outline forms a basic structure for your presentation; with it you list and build upon your ideas. The outline should include an introduction, three to five important points that elaborate on the main idea(s), and a conclusion that recaps what you’ve just covered.  of your introduction. Conclude your outline by telling your audience what you just showed them.

This outline format, although simple, forms the basic structure of a well-organized presentation. More complex and longer presentations can be easily created by multiple, simple outlines like the one described above and then piecing them together with transitions. The outlines are building blocks, and their brevity permits you to string ideas together and present more complex material in concise, understandable pieces.

A completed outline can help you conceive an optimum opening “bang” that you will hook your audience. It can be a funny cartoon, some amazing statistics, a dramatic personal story, a good joke, or a pithy quote. Some speakers have found that starting a presentation with silence can be quite effective. Whatever you do, remember that you need to get the audience hooked in 30 seconds or less!

Connect Ideas Together and Fill in the Details
After completing your outline, write as many outlines as you need to cover the scope of your presentation. Connect your outlines with transitional words and phrases like, “Expanding on this point…” or “As a result of….” Use pictures, graphs, spreadsheets, samples, or other props as you see fit to help you illustrate your points. According to research, when information is presented with vivid images, people will remember 95 percent of what they see and hear. Remember to specifically tell your audience what to look for in the props and how these further prove or demonstrate your main theme. 

Polish and Practice
Once you’re satisfied with the structure of your presentation, practice by reading it aloud. You may find that areas that are well-written sound awkward when read aloud. Refine as needed, and also look for portions that could be deleted in the interest of clarity and brevity. If your presentation is long and complex, consider how you might break up your ideas so you keep your audience focused on your main points. Think about how to smoothly transition between topics (sometimes revisiting or referring to the source of your opening bang can be a good way to link one section to the next).

Turn Up the Energy
Deliver your presentation with personal energy and enthusiasm. Remember that the final product should reflect your unique perspective, insights, and energy. Illustrate the key points with flair, by showing rather than simply reading from a script. And remember: the last 30 seconds of your presentation are almost as important as the first 30. Summarize your points clearly and succinctly, and leave your audience with a brief, inspiring or uplifting message to take with them after the presentation ends.